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On My Own


Alone I sit while thousands surround me

But I'm not lonely.

In my mind there exists a stillness that I have grown familiar to.

Yet around me nothing seems to be still,

Being in motion has become the order of lives.

Yet as I sit on my own I am more productive than the thousands in motion.

It's not possible...or is it?

As I sit and rest my mind is at work.

Discovering weaknesses within me and suggesting solutions for the problems it unveils.

I begin to grow familiar to myself and what it is I am about.

Sadly for the thousands around me this is all foreign.

A great lie has been circulated.

All seem to be believe it though,

That taking a moment to breath is weakness, stupidity

And a sign of poverty.

Yet as I observe...poverty is not displayed in my life.

The motion-beings have grown poor

In humility

Love and Family life.

Yet their accounts accumulate zeros.

I am left asking myself,

What is it that is of much worth then?

To be on my own for a moment and observe,

or to be a motion-being with poor sight...

Sight of the important things in life.

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