Run, child, run
The devil is coming.
He is a prospector, seeking your soul.
Hard times lie ahead,
But how will you conquer if you have no faith?
No supreme being, “He,” to care for your soul?
Ensure you are whole?
Run, child, run
The vultures are circling,
Waiting to claim the carcass remnants of what was once your life.
In the dark wilderness, with no mountain to look up to.
No saviour to turn to.
There is no avenue for survival.
Run, child, run
Before the clock strikes three,
Because in the witching hour, you never know which voices are real.
No light to seek within, that fuse blew long ago.
All that is left is the momentary calamity.
Enjoy it, for the cavalry approaches.
Run, child, run
I wear your fears in a smile.
Gentle touch, smooth conversation, and before you know it,
All that is you, I snatch!
I survive on the weight you lose as you take your last breath.
I remain with you, my image engraved in your eyes as all life escapes from you.
Run, child, run before it’s time.
Run, child, run, while the bells still chime.