Chameille Kiewiet | LLB III | A work of art, a force.
Q:What can you not go a day without doing/using or consuming?
A: This is such an interesting question for me as it requires me to reflect on the daily things I do. The things I cannot go without doing is first and foremost spending time with the Lord that is my number one priority every day. The rest of my day usually consists of studying and watching series, very original I know. Lastly the one thing I cannot go a day without consuming would be a can of coke zero and a dose of self-love.
Q: Do you feel that the number of safe spaces in Stellenbosch have increased in your time here? If so please let us know of your ‘go to’ spaces.
A: Firstly, I would like to say that the concept of safe spaces, in the context of Stellenbosch, has become a tagline for candidates that want to stand for a leadership positions. With that being said, I would say that the number of conversations surrounding social issues have increased in the time that I have been here but I do not feel that there has been an increasing amount of safe spaces created.
For instance, before every critical discussion in a Residence or on campus, people tend to state that it is a safe space but when it comes down to it people still expect minorities to downplay their lived experience in order to make sure no one feels uncomfortable, this to me is not a safe space.
The idea of the “perfect” safe space in Stellenbosch is therefore, share your story but do not be to honest, do not be too confrontational with clear issues that we are facing and lastly sugar coat the pain you feel the best you can.
To me a safe space is when I can sit down and have an adult conversation with multiple people from different backgrounds, races etc and I am able to talk as loud as I want to be as bold and honest as I want to and afterwards I would not be labelled as aggressive or just another angry black/coloured girl. Therefore, I would say that my ‘go to’ safe spaces would be the strong womxn I have in my life that come from every race, every background. Together we learn and unlearn key things that have been indoctrinated into our minds by a society that has conditioned womxn to think they are not enough. But guess what, we are not enough, we are MORE than enough.