Kirsty Fynn | LLB II | Your WCW dismantles the patriarchy and slays simultaneously. It’s Kirsty. She’s your WCW.
Q: Riri, Queen B, Princess Nokia or Cardi B?
A: I’m going to say all because … I wish I could just put my [answer] as yes, all.
I think they’re all influential within the culture and with regards to feminine progress and multi dimensionality of women of colour. There’s no “one size fits all” in blackness and I think there are different types of beauty as well as different representations which all bring something so true and pure to the table.
Q: Many have said that the oppression experienced by womxn is a global problem that is not exclusive to Stellenbosch.
Given this view, do you think the Stellenbosch society is using this as a scapegoat in order to avoid addressing the problem?
A: The silence on the matter of oppression experienced by womxn of colour in Stellenbosch rings out very loud and true.
This is because, sometimes, silence is an answer and silence is often complicit in oppression.
The vacuum of silence that is allowed to grow in Stellenbosch is indicative of the society’s stance on [the oppression experienced by womxn in Stellenbosch], especially when one considers the history of patriarchy in Stellenbosch as well as the history of the preservation thereof.
So, I think that [the society’s] silence on the patriarchal environment, specifically towards womxn of colour, says a lot about their opinion.
You know, you keep quiet either because you’re formulating an opinion or because you don’t care.
I don’t know if they scape goat it so much as choose to turn a blind eye and let the cries of what’s happening to womxn of colour fall on deaf ears.
Q: What is currently on your playlist that makes you feel like a bad-bad?
A: Weaker Girl - Banks, Kitana, the flava intro and tomboy by Princess Nokia,
CTRL by SZA and Freudian - Daniel Cesars Album.
Bless yourself and check out Kirsty’s fire blog: