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Our Generation - Sam Hall

Our Generation

By Samantha Hall - @samwithcam

"Identity is so much more important than

the year you were born, and classifying

individuals within their generations,

dampens their individuality

and uniqueness."

As an individual growing up in the generation of millennials, I have never really been able to relate fully to the characteristics of Generation Y. Not being able to fit into the stereotypes set mostly by older generations, I have decided to do this project in rebellion of the stereotypes and generalisation which goes along with being classified in a certain generation and being seen as typically Generation Y.

The aim of these portraits was to create something completely timeless, as I want the viewer to be unable to place these photos in a certain era and therefore, the viewer is unable to link it to a certain generation. This challenges the viewer, as it is impossible to judge the sitter because they have been stripped from anything that could possibly bind them to a time period or generation.

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