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This is a poem I wrote a while back.

You could call this a love poem or a romantic one and thus I am dedicating it to anyone who ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend and never actually realized what they had and eventually lost. This is to the friends that lost contact and never saw each other again. To the young lovers just trying to make it in this world.


Only You

Writing poems in languages only you could understand

Singing songs in melodies only you could move to

Y-ISHA 💛💛💛

That was my love for you

Only you

You made me learn that love was different for different people

And different towards different people

I looked at you with eyes in which only you could see reflected an image of yourself

That you would never imagine of yourself

The windows to my soul

You knocked on my door and learnt that the scars on my heart

Which I wore on my sleeve

Were a map of a hidden road that only you could see

The road less taken, you proved not so daunting

Only you could love me like you once loved me

First with fleeting glances

And then with gazes that left imprints far more vivid than any picture you could take

Our Polaroid’s still scattered across my bedroom floor

Only you could love me sprawled across my bed

Limbs spread out

Fingers reaching out to you

As natural as the reach of a tree to the sun

We grew together and like wall vines we intertwined

Only you could love me

When I could not let go

Only you could love me

When I couldn’t grow

Only you could love me

When my windows broke

Only you could love me

When the road closed

Only you could love me

With my limbs curled together

Only you could love me enough to know that while you loved me

In the way that only you could love me

That that love only you loved me with

The love with which only I could be loved with

That love could never be my only love

Only you could see a future

A future where I am happy

Without you

Not because of any pain you caused me

But because I needed to be set free

Only you could love

With so much strength

That you would let me spread my wings

And leave you as just a reflection behind me in my mirror

Only you could love me

Years later

Where the shadows of my figure still linger in the faint light of your bedroom

Where the echoes of my cries

My giggles

My screams

Where these echoes still bounce off the walls in the quiet night

Only you could love me

When I came back

Hopes and dreams

Shattered and mangled

Only you could love me

When I couldn’t talk

When I couldn’t walk

When I couldn’t love me

When I couldn’t love you

Only you could love me enough to hold me when I needed to be held

Even if the pleading words could never leave my mouth

So you see

I write this poem with so much happiness in my heart

But at the same time I’m sad

Because when I had your love

I couldnt recognise it for what it truly was

I couldn’t appreciate it

Like one should appreciate love a so strong

I was young

I was stupid

I was blind

And now we’ve gone our separate ways

I will never be able to tell how many lightyears away

But if your listening

I want you to know

That I love you

I always did

And it will always be you

Only you

My first love

My best friend

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