African Child You fool
You dangerous ignorant fool
You have allowed yourself to drown in dreams of the future Your mouth watering at the prosperity that you think awaits you When in truth there is none of that
You chase dreams of a city With buildings built so high They poke their way into heaven Funny how you think their stairs will lead you into heaven So you climb and climb Painfully Ruthlessly Continuously
African child You fool You dangerous ignorant fool
I tell you now You will fall before you reach the top And more painful your fall will be the higher you climbed
African child You fool You dangerous ignorant fool
You have forgotten who you are You have forgotten who you were Why do you think you are struggling to become
Do you know who you are Whose name you bear What it means Do you know which queen birthed your mothers mothers mother Do you know No you don't That's why you walk like the future weighs on you When You need to walk like your ancestors are carrying that weight for you
You fight every single day For causes known and unknown How do expect the to win When you refuse to take lessons from those who came before you
African child You fool You ignorant dangerous fool You follow trends when told to You follow orders when told to Retweet this Throw this stone Start this fire When will you realize that you are not a slave You are royalty Cant you see that gold flows through you veins
When will you take ownership of that gold When will you take ownership of who you are When will you learn that the only way to conquer the future is to understand the past Because history repeats itself And it will again
If we raise activists without purpose Leaders without humility
African children Who are fools Fools because they don't know who they are Ignorant because they don't care to find out Dangerous because they will take everyone else down with them And we all know how it feels To be taken down with everyone else Just because one person forgot their purpose Now imagine what will happen to you You Who never even knew Take this rant as your cue Find out who you are Before it comes to haunt you